Monday, November 21, 2011

Welcome to Family foundations

This blog has been created sorely for setting a forum where people all over the world can be challenged to examine the basic unit of society, which is a family

On recent years we have been experiencing the drastic change in people's perception on various aspects of family such as definition of gender, sex and sexuality, what is considered moral and what not and many more.

I am here to set and agenda so that we may come and discuss and see where we are and where we ought to be. Feel free to contribute your views so that together we can restore the roots of family unit


  1. A discussion on family can be very complex because we people originate from families that have different belives,we are shaped differently by the socities arround us and even factors that affect our general behaviours are diverse. Even speaking about morality...what is moral and what is depends on the upbringing and the society sorrounding the individul. In some cultures some behaviour will be seen good while bad in other society. So i think wat matters is happines,a man and a woman are the source of a union/family the question should be are they ready for marriage/to start a family?..are they marrying for the right reasons? are they committed to each other and for whatever good or bad that will come on their way will they stand for each other? Are their hearts capable of sacrifice.. real sacrifice?,does each one think of another as if it were him/her or each is self-centered? Are they ready to give a priority to the family than any of the things in their lives? Do they understand the strength and weaknesses of each other? Have they accepted one another for who they are or are busy spoting faults in each other's life or behaviour. Unless people understand the true meaning of marriage,a discussion on family will be like mere stories and not a life changing lessons. I encourage people to marry for right reasons,so that we remain strong at building and fighting for the well-being of our families.

  2. A discussion on family can be very complex because we people originate from families that have different belives,we are shaped differently by the socities arround us and even factors that affect our general behaviours are diverse. Even speaking about morality...what is moral and what is depends on the upbringing and the society sorrounding the individul. In some cultures some behaviour will be seen good while bad in other society. So i think wat matters is happines,a man and a woman are the source of a union/family the question should be are they ready for marriage/to start a family?..are they marrying for the right reasons? are they committed to each other and for whatever good or bad that will come on their way will they stand for each other? Are their hearts capable of sacrifice.. real sacrifice?,does each one think of another as if it were him/her or each is self-centered? Are they ready to give a priority to the family than any of the things in their lives? Do they understand the strength and weaknesses of each other? Have they accepted one another for who they are or are busy spoting faults in each other's life or behaviour. Unless people understand the true meaning of marriage,a discussion on family will be like mere stories and not a life changing lessons. I encourage people to marry for right reasons,so that we remain strong at building and fighting for the well-being of our families.
